Category Archives: Love

If the Church was a Business

“And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” – Jesus (Luke 2:49).

Jesus was all about His Father’s business or work! He ate, slept, and breathed His father’s work. He was constantly in prayer about it (Matthew 6:10). He came “to seek and to save” the lost and to “give his life a ransom for many” (Luke 19:10; Matthew 20:28). He said that those who followed him would be made into “fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19), and that we should pray for the Father to “send forth laborers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:38; Luke 10:2). Continue reading

7 Reasons to Attend and Support Evangelistic Meetings

Currently, we are preaching through a Sanctuary Prophecy Seminar with the local church. In America, I’m often reminded about how busy, fragmented, and even disinterested churches, or various members can be – even at such crucial times as when offering an evangelistic series to reach the community with Christ’s all important message for the last days! I’m very thankful for those who do make a special effort to come out to attend, help, and support the meetings. It brings glory to God when we work together for His cause! Continue reading

Is romantic “love” overrated as a prerequisite for marriage?

“Do you love me?” are words so often heard in our world today, usually from the mouth of a woman towards the man she wants to be with forever. Often that’s the direction of the words. And of course Hollywood is quick to tell us that’s the way it’s supposed to be, as well. And to a guy, what should those words mean? “Do you have a spark for me?” “Are you ‘feeling’ ‘into’ me?” “Do you ‘lust’ for me?” “Do you think I’m attractive or beautiful?” “Do you want to marry me?” “After three to nine months of seeing me are you ready to lay down on a train track for me?” Just how can we define this word “love” in a romantic and even immature relationship and in a world that pools hundreds of meanings into a word, “love?” Continue reading