Category Archives: Devotional/Bible Thoughts

What is the Lord’s Day and How should we keep it? (Short version)

lordsdayblogpic“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” (Revelation 1:10).

The prophet John was in the Spirit of God on “the Lord’s Day.” This is actually the only text in the whole New Testament that uses the precise phrase, “the Lord’s Day.” It is the only one! But, what does it mean? Well, obviously, it means that the Lord had or has a special day! It must be a day that is considered above all others! Obviously, it’s “the Lord’s Day.” It’s not just any other day. It’s not just some common day. It’s an important day. It’s a distinguished day.

The next question is, “Which day is the Lord’s Day?” I mean, if the Lord has a very special day, then shouldn’t we know which day it is? We’re going to go directly to the Scriptures, the inspired source that is “…profitable for [every] doctrine…” (2 Timothy 3:15-17), for our answer!

The tradition of calling Sunday “the Lord’s Day” has been a long-standing tradition among many Christians. But where does that idea come from? We don’t have much further to look than the Counsel of Laodicea in A.D. 365. [See the longer version for details]. If any had used the term earlier, it certainly wasn’t found in the Bible. There is no text to be found that ever calls the first day of the week (or Sunday) the Lord’s Day! Search the Bible from cover to cover, but you won’t find it! Is that surprising to you? It’s amazing how the assumptions of men can be so greatly wrong. It’s shocking and you just wonder, “Why didn’t someone tell me already?!” Or, “Why didn’t I know this?” Well, today I’m telling you. But, don’t just take my word for it. You go and check your Bible. Then you’ll know firsthand!

So, what does the Bible say is “the Lord’s Day?” Genesis 2:2-3 say, “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.”

God rested on the “seventh day,” then He blessed it, then He made it holy (setting it apart for a holy use). He rested on it, He blessed it, and He made it Holy! That’s His day! The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:10 say, “…the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God: in it you shall not do any work…”  The seventh day is God’s Sabbath—It’s the Lord’s Day! Isaiah 58:13 says, “…turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on my holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honorable…”  Sabbath is the Lord’s Holy day! We should delight in the Lord on that day and rest from our work. Jesus said that He is “the LORD of the Sabbath” (Matthew 12:8; Mark 2:28; Luke 6:5). The seventh day Sabbath is the Lord’s Holy day—Saturday! Check and see! That’s the only “Lord’s Day” that the apostle John ever would have known or observed as holy.

Let us now consider our life options in light of this truth. We have now a choice to make. Will we follow God’s laws or mans? Will we follow the Bible’s teaching—God’s Holy Word, or the traditions of men from the decrials of their various counsels? This choice is ours today. In the words of Joshua, “…as for me and my house, we will serve [follow] the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). How about you?

[originally posted on our old CCM blog, Dec. 9, 2012]

What is the Lord’s Day and How should we keep it? (Long version)

“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” (Revelation 1:10).

The prophet John was in the Spirit of God on “the Lord’s Day.” This is actually the only text in the whole New Testament that uses the precise phrase, “the Lord’s Day.” It is the only one! But, what does it mean? Well, obviously, it means that the Lord had or has a special day! It must be a day that is considered above all others! Obviously, it’s “the Lord’s Day.” It’s not just any other day. It’s not just some common day. It’s an important day. It’s a distinguished day. It is different from every other day of the week because it is especially demarcated or delineated as “the Lord’s Day.” It is HIS Day and not another’s. It is one that can be noticed above all others and especially called “the Lord’s Day.” That carries real meaning. It belongs to the Lord and it is very special to the Lord’s heart above all other days. Is it not? Of course it is! That’s why it can be called the Lord’s Day and it is distinguished above and beyond every other day. The term certainly carries a great meaning!

Now the question is, what day is the Lord’s Day? I mean, if the Lord has a very special day (each week), then what day is it? Wouldn’t you like to know? If God has a special day every week, then shouldn’t we know it and even recognize it as special above all others, like the prophet and apostle John did? Of course we should!

So now, it falls upon us to find out just what is the Lord’s Day? When is His holy day? Well, the New Testament never actually says in any sort of direct terms. It doesn’t ever say anything like, “This certain day is ‘the Lord’s Day’ and we are to observe it especially as such.” We cannot find any such identifying text there….except for maybe a couple texts that seem to give us an idea of what day it is. We’re going to look at them too. The Old Testament, on the other hand, does make some extremely crystal clear remarks about which day is the Lord’s day. We’re going to look at them too. And we ought to keep in mind that “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:15-17). Well, that’s what the Apostle Paul told young Timothy in his letter to him…and those word’s carried an extremely special application to the Old Testament Scriptures since that is what Paul and all the Jewish (and early Christian people) were using. The New Testament was still being written at that time. Also, that is what Timothy had “known from childhood” (v.15). If we want to have good sound Bible Doctrine then we must go to the Bible–BOTH Old and New Testaments! That’s clearly what the Apostle Paul says! So, if I believe Paul’s writings in the New Testament, then I better believe in using the Old Testament as well, because that is what Paul taught us in the New Testament. If you doubt using the Old then you must be doubting the use of the New as well (especially 2 Tim. 3:15-17). Well, enough said on that one!

It has been a long standing tradition for many Christian’s to call Sunday, the first day of the week, “the Lord’s Day.” We can trace back that tradition for many years. But is that really what the Bible says? Is that in the Bible? Well, first of all, let’s take a look at a historical reference from the Roman Church’s council of Laodicea in the 4th Century AD.

Council Laodicea – A.D.365
“Canon 16-On Saturday the Gospels and other portions of the Scripture shall be read aloud.” “Canon 29-Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday, but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s day they shall especially honor, and as being Christians, shall, if possible, do no work on that day.” Hefele’s “Councils,” Vol. 2, b. 6.

What does the counsel of Laodicea tell us about the Roman Church’s understanding of the Lord’s day, at that time, and also about the Sabbath day? Well, there are some major points and questions that arise from these counsel declarations. They are the following, (1) According to Canon 16 Saturday was a very important day to Christians for worship and for reading from the Scriptures (originally). (2) Canon 29 tells us that there came a change into the thinking and the doctrine of the large Roman church. (3) The large Roman church of this time had begun to make a distinction between Saturday, the Sabbath day, and Sunday, which they were now calling “the Lord’s Day.” (4) The church was commanding that Christians should rest from work on Sunday’s (which they were calling “the Lord’s Day”), and that they should not rest, but should instead work, on Saturdays. That tells us right there that many Christians were, at that time, and prior to it, still resting upon the Sabbath day, Saturday, the 7th day of the week. The Roman church leaders, from the counsel of Laodicea, were now trying to outlaw such rest on the Sabbath day, and were trying to get the Christian people to rest on Sunday, the first day. There was a change being made by the force of church law and by the combined power of the Roman state through Constantine. Any Christian who, at this time, did rest on Sabbath (Saturday, the 7th Day) they were now accusing of being “Jewish” (rather than Christian). The Roman church law commanded that all Christians should make every effort to now rest upon Sunday’s, “the Lord’s Day,” and to refrain from work.

Well, clearly, there were some major issues taking place in the church at that time. The large church in Rome was commanding that things be done a certain way, in fact a different way than many Christian’s had previously been doing. And were they appealing to the Scriptures for their authority? No. Not at all. They were simply appealing to the authority of man’s declaration and the fact that they were the earthly leaders of the Roman church. This declaration was built upon the church’s sense of her own power, not upon the express command or saying of God’s word.
So, what does the Bible really say about “the Lord’s Day?” Are there express commands or words in the Bible that tell us beyond any shadow of a doubt, what and when is the real Lord’s Day? Can we know? Yes. We can know. The Bible makes some crystal clear statements about which day is the true Lord’s Day. Why don’t we take a look?! And let’s get our religion and our doctrine from the Bible, not from the decrials and counsels of mere men. Amen?!
Let’s just start with Genesis and see if there is any evidence there for the Lord’s Day. Let’s read Genesis 2:1-3.  “Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. 2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.”

Here the Bible presents to us a special day. It was a day that God—the LORD—rested on. It was a special day that God—the LORD—blessed. It was a day that God—the LORD—made holy. He made this special day for a Holy purpose. It was a day that was for resting and for worship. It was called the Sabbath day. The Hebrew word “Shabat” means rest, and therefore the day took that name, “Sabbath.” It was a rest and worship day. The “Lord’s Day” from the Creation in Genesis was the day on which He rested. It was the day which He blessed. It was the day which He made holy—which He set aside for a Holy purpose. It was the Sabbath day—the seventh day of the week. The reason for its specialness is given to us in these verses. It was “…because in it He rested from all His work…” of Creating and making the world and everything in it (v.3).

When we come to the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20, verses 10-11 tell us the following. “But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God: in it you shall not do any work,” or your son, daughter or anyone else, “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and made it holy” (v.10-11). The Bible says, “…the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God.” It is His day of rest! He made this day holy and He blessed it. We should rest on this day from our labors because the it is the LORD’s Day of rest with His blessing and His holiness upon it—even from the time of Creation! It commemorates that and it also reminds us since the time of the cross that we are saved by what Jesus has done for us. We are to find our “rest” in Christ Jesus (Matthew 11:28) and also to depend upon the work for Salvation that He has done already, not our own works. We are to rest in His works (Ephesians 2:8,9). Every Sabbath day also reminds us of that today [ref. Hebrews 4:4,5,9-11].

Perhaps the most explicit and clearly stated texts regarding this matter are found in Isaiah 58:13,14. “…turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on my holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honorable; and shall honor him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words: Then shall you delight yourself in the LORD…” Beyond any shadow of a doubt, the seventh day Sabbath is God’s Holy Day—the LORD’S Holy Day. It is the “Lord’s Day.”

The gospels also tell us that Jesus is “the LORD of the Sabbath” (Matthew 12:8; Mark 2:28; Luke 6:5).
With so much overwhelming evidence it is beyond any point of question that the Sabbath day (Saturday) is truly “the Lord’s Day” spoken of in Revelation 1:10. There is no other day that ever received such a title in the Bible or among God’s people even up through the days of Jesus and His apostles (including John—the last one to die, sometime after A.D. 90). If you can find even one Bible text that ever calls the first day of the week (or Sunday) “the Lord’s Day” then please write me at Clear Call Ministries with the evidence and I’ll give you 10,000 USD and will change my belief. But I already know you can’t find one because I’ve searched the whole Bible high and low to see if there was. It’s non-existent!

The habit of styling Sunday as “the Lord’s Day” was a habit entirely foreign to any of the Bible writers. It was a habit and tradition that began from the Church of Rome in the 4th Century especially. They thought they could redirect the worship and the rest of man to be placed upon an entirely different day than what God himself ever spoke of or commanded. Is this not a sign of their corruption? What man can presume to have authority to change the holy laws of Jehovah—the God of Heaven and Earth?!
Let us just now consider our life options in light of this truth. We have now a choice to make. Will we follow God’s laws or mans? Will we follow the Bible’s teaching—God’s Holy Word, or the traditions of men from the decrials of their various counsels? This choice is ours today. In the words of Joshua, “…as for me and my house, we will serve [follow] the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). How about you?

[originally posted on our CCM blog, 12-9-2012]

Strengthen your brethren!! (11-29-2012)

“And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” (Luke 22:31-32).

Jesus often was in very close association with His disciples. He stayed with them and they stayed with Him. He taught them. He spoke words of caution and wisdom to them. He mingled with them from day to day and mentored their faith. Jesus, from the place of spiritual infilling and strength (being alone with God the Father in prayer, meditation, and study of God’s word), frequently came to His disciples with the words of life and insightful truth to fill their minds and hearts with that true bread from Heaven which would surely strengthen their faith against the terrible storms coming in the hours of trial.

Christ knew well about the plots of Satan for the Father had fully enlightened His mind to the spiritual workings and warfare surrounding Him! Jesus was not in the dark as to these things at all! He was given that spiritual discernment and understanding which was so necessary to stand faithful and true to God against the vicious attacks of Satan!

Christ knew also that He himself was training up a small force of powerful soul-winners who were, after His leaving, going to shake the world with the truths of Heaven, and to begin the movement known as His church! Though neither Peter, nor the others onlooking, nor perhaps we, at that time, could tell of the great plans which God had for Peter and the others, both the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and Satan knew of the plan! Satan discerned in Peter the makings of a fierce enemy who was later going to wreak immense damage upon his kingdom (though Satan could not tell to what extent exactly—he only knew that Jesus had invested a very special interest in Peter, James, and John, even an interest somewhat beyond the other disciples). Jesus knew well that Peter, as one of His own chosen apostles, was going to be a strong and fiery preacher (though he was yet, and even after, still a man with faults, which Jesus was continually working to cleanse away). Christ even knew that Peter had been chosen to proclaim through the power of the Holy Spirit, the great sermon upon the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) that was going to lead to the conversion of thousands of Jews in a single day!

Satan was angry and was well ready to pounce upon Peter as a maddened Lion seeking his victim. Jesus knew this and He prayed strongly for Peter! The Father moved with the might of Heaven to work upon Peter’s heart and to give the protection that was needed! Jesus spoke to Peter to warn him of the danger that was lurking for him, but also to reassure Him of the powerful prayers that were being offered for him and of the power of God that would be His help and stay. Peter had yet to experience a much stronger faith and to be converted into the soul-winning, surrendered, humble, and useful vessel that God wanted him to be. Jesus said to him, “When you ARE converted, strengthen your brethren (v.32).” This is also the call of God to us today! When you are converted, then strengthen your brethren (because Satan also wants to sift them out too).

We should take away several overall lessons from this instance. Remember that Satan hates above all, those who are God’s faithful soul winners (even “yet to be” soul winners), and especially those whom he knows God has especially chosen for a greater, more far reaching, and special work of God! Remember that Satan has it out for us all and we all need prayers, desperately! Pray for each other a lot (even as Jesus prayed for Peter)!! Remember also that some of us are struggling yet in their faith trying to find their strength in God! They may not yet be a powerhouse of faith or a strong warrior for God, but if they remain and let Christ do His work in them (with their cooperative permission), then they will surely become the converted soul-winner and Christian warrior that God wants them to be! Once we are converted to God, we have a very special work to do! We MUST strengthen our brethren in the faith too! If you start to become stronger in God, then you must share your strength to strengthen others who are yet weaker in the faith and ability to serve God! Together, you will both and all, grow into the stronger  members of the household of faith, that God desires you to be! We are to strengthen our brethren by meeting together about spiritual things “…and so much the more, as you see the Day [of God’s return] approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).

Also, please take away from this, one last thought. You may be a little bit weak in the faith today (actually we all have our weaknesses and are at various places in our walk with Jesus right now), but do not EVER underestimate what you can become through a close connection with Jesus Christ! God has a plan for your life whether you see it all or know it all right now. You may think, “O but I am just a weak little child in God.” That may be true in our case as of now. It may be. But, that means nothing to stop you from your future destination of becoming a great faith-warrior in God! Don’t underestimate your value to God! Jesus is praying and interceding before God the Father on your behalf right now! And others of your Christian brothers and sisters are praying for you right now too! Good things are coming in Christ Jesus and if you choose today to pray and be faithful to Jesus Christ, you had better look out, because you don’t yet even know exactly the height in life to which God will take you! Therefore, “…be strong in the Lord” Jesus Christ “and in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10). The best things are yet to come and Jesus will make you into one of His faithful soul winners if you’ll be converted to God fully and accept the call!

Isaiah’s Miniature of Revelation’s Finale! (11-27-2012)

Have you ever you ever wondered how much the ancient prophets before the time of Jesus knew about end-time events? They certainly knew a lot! Sometimes more than we think! God showed many things to His prophets! He always does of course! “Surely, the Lord God will do nothing unless He reveals his secrets unto His servants, the prophets” (Amos 3:7). It’s also fitting for us to realize that prophets often saw many things from God, of which they did not write down, and which we do not have a record of today; Things which perhaps were not necessary for everyone to know at the time, but which God desired to share with His servants individually! Take the Apostle John for example and the book of Revelation! God showed him a message from the crashing sound of seven heavenly thunders. He was about to write it down, but God told him not to. He was to “seal up” what was shown, and “write it not” (Revelation 10:3,4).

So, just what is it that the prophet Isaiah knew about the final events of Revelation which God has revealed more explicitly to us through that book? Well, he may possibly have known even more than what is written in his book, but here’ the picture that is given to us! Take a look at Isaiah 24:21-23. It’s an outline, in miniature, of the events of Revelation chapters 16-22!

Here’s the text (with a few break downs and pointers), Isaiah 24:21-23:
(some of the previous verses to these ones also describe the destruction of this sinful earth at the second coming and how the wicked will cry for rocks to fall on them, etc. Compare, v.17-20 with Rev. 6:12-17).

21 It shall come to pass in that day
That the Lord will punish on high the host of exalted ones,
And on the earth the kings of the earth.

[Revelation ch.16-19. In ch.16 God sends the plagues as punishment on the evil doers. ch.17 describes Babylon the harlot and her sinful relationship to all the kings of the earth. The Bible also mentions here how they will try to make war with the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them. Revelation 18 describes the destruction of the of Babylon and how all the peoples (rich, etc.) and kings of the earth mourn over her. “Her plagues will come in one day [prophetically speaking] (Rev. 18:8). Babylon was high and proud but God brought her to nothing! (Rev. 18:7,8). She and her companions felt exalted, but God will decimate them. The Kings of the earth shall gather against Jesus Christ as He is coming, but He will decimate and destroy them with the breath of His mouth (Rev. 19)].

22 They will be gathered together,
As prisoners are gathered in the pit,
And will be shut up in the prison;
After many days they will be punished.

[Revelation ch.20. The 1000 years or Millennium. Satan and his followers are gathered into a prison situation (Rev. 20:1-3). His wicked followers will be dead from the brightness of Christ’s coming (2 Thes. 1:7-10, Rev. 19, etc.). They will not live again until the 1000 years are finished (Rev. 20:5). After these “many days” (Is. 24:22), “they will be punished” in the Lake of fire! Revelation ch.20 describes the great white throne judgment and the feeding of Satan and all his followers to the Lake of fire where they will be finally punished and destroyed for the wickedness of their lives. This destruction takes place “after many days” (after the one thousand years).]

23 Then the moon will be disgraced
And the sun ashamed;
For the Lord of hosts will reign
On Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
And before His elders, gloriously.

[Revelation 21 and 22. The light of God’s glory will now eternally shine in the new heavens and the new earth. The earth will be fully made new and the New Jerusalem will be right there in the midst as it’s new capital city. All the sin and evil, the Lake of fire, death, and every other bad thing will be gone forever! God and His glory will dwell there, and His righteous people with Him. His glory will outshine the sun and moon. There will be no need for their light there (See Rev. 21:23 and 22:5).]

Closing thoughts: Be ready friends for the final hour is soon to come upon us!! Prepare, prepare, prepare to MEET the Lord your God for He is coming so soon! Let us be fervently active to share His soul-saving message with others just now! May you be continually blessed in the Spirit and grace of God as you seek to follow Him, surrendering and consecrating your life to Him, and studying and sharing His word!

Why can’t God just let everyone into Heaven? (11-26-2012)

“Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD” (Isaiah 26:10).

The Bible is clear!! God loves all people and He really DOES desire that all men and women would be saved! (See 1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9; and Ezekiel 33:11). He very much hates the fact that men and women will be dying and perishing in their sins! Obviously, that’s why He sent Jesus as One who could “save” us “from our sins” (Matthew 1:21; John 3:16). He loves us and desires all to be with Him. However, God cannot and will not allow any sin or disobedience to enter into His pure and Holy Universe for eternity (See Genesis 3:22-24). Nothing that defiles or works any kind of crookedness or sin will ever be able to enter into the Holy gates of Heaven (Revelation 21:27). God will cleanse and purify the whole universe from sin. Only righteousness will be in His heavenly land. We are going to a land in which only righteousness dwells! A pure and holy Canaan! (2 Peter 3:13). He must first purity our hearts, that we may enter, otherwise we will not be there.

Isaiah 26:10 says, If God showed favor to the wicked, to let them come on into heaven, still it would be no advantage to anyone!!! They would still NOT learn righteousness! Instead, they would pollute the pure and holy land of heaven. They would bring their corruption, sin, and wickedness into that blessed land! They would deal unjustly and they would not give any glory to to the God of that land. They would not see His majesty! They could not behold His presence! Sadly, there is no option for them, but to die in their sins (if they would not be saved from their sins). Heaven would be no joy to the sinner if permitted to enter there for their love of sin and wickedness would never be catered to there. The sin they love would never be permitted or allowed! Therefore, if we live in our sins today, then we will die in our sins, and we will not be able to enter Heaven.

Thankfully, God gives us the forgiving and cleansing power of His son Jesus Christ!! He can purify our hearts and make us to be pure and holy in thought and overall character! Sinners, terrible sinners, “… such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:11). That means that Jesus does cleanse, transform, and change our lives forever if we let Him, and if we choose to serve Him and trust Him as our Lord and Savior! Jesus Christ has the power to cleanse us and save us by His blessed grace and His holy blood! Amen!! May you experience the saving, purifying, blessed, and holy power of Jesus and His blood that cleanses us from our sins and gives us pure hearts and minds! Let us choose to serve Him today! Amen! Will you do so now?

[originally on our old CCM blog, 11-26-2012]