Category Archives: Devotional/Bible Thoughts

Separate – Meditations on James 4

The 4th Chapter of James holds wonderful truths for God’s people! (As does the whole Bible, of course!). But, perhaps it’s been a while since many of us have read through this chapter. In reading this chapter recently I was struck by the message of God’s people being “separate” from sin and the world. At least that is, called to be separate, expected to be separate, and empowered to be separate, but in need of willingness and decision to be separate. God provides the tools, strength or power, and the direction needed – but as for the decision, that lies in our hands. James 4 makes that abundantly clear, as do so many other countless passages in the Bible! Let’s go through the chapter and pull out some points for edification. I’ll simply reference ideas and portions of text, but you’d be blessed to read the whole chapter (See James 4). Continue reading

High in the Sky – Signs of the End – Bible Prophecies Fulfilling

Nearly 4,300 years ago the masses of mankind had gathered themselves in the fertile plain of Shinar to build themselves a city and make a tower reaching unto the heavens! They wanted to make a name for themselves and to avoid being scattered abroad upon the face of the earth! In the Biblical story (Genesis 11:1-9), God, seeing what they were up to, decided to go and confuse the languages in order to divide up and disperse people groups into various cultures so that mankind would not be able to progress as quickly in their development, while living in sin. Continue reading

One Text, One Paragraph, Problems for the Rapture. Really?

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3. “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, (2) That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. (3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” (Emphasis added).
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The Rapture – Are Christians likely to vanish at any moment?

It is widely taught today among Christians that there is a coming “Rapture” in which sincere Christians – “the church” – are destined to simply disappear without a moment’s notice! They’ll simply be gathered up to Jesus in the twinkling of an eye and disappear! It could even happen one second from now or while you’re reading this. Is this, however, really what the Bible teaches? Continue reading

Is romantic “love” overrated as a prerequisite for marriage?

“Do you love me?” are words so often heard in our world today, usually from the mouth of a woman towards the man she wants to be with forever. Often that’s the direction of the words. And of course Hollywood is quick to tell us that’s the way it’s supposed to be, as well. And to a guy, what should those words mean? “Do you have a spark for me?” “Are you ‘feeling’ ‘into’ me?” “Do you ‘lust’ for me?” “Do you think I’m attractive or beautiful?” “Do you want to marry me?” “After three to nine months of seeing me are you ready to lay down on a train track for me?” Just how can we define this word “love” in a romantic and even immature relationship and in a world that pools hundreds of meanings into a word, “love?” Continue reading