Author Archives: Benjamin Burkhardt

About Benjamin Burkhardt

Hey, it's me, Ben! Just wanted to keep you up to date with our ministry news, devotional or scripture thoughts, testimonials, and more, so here's our blog!!

180 World Leaders Show up in Paris, Marching to the Tune of the Papacy!

World leaders honoring the call of the Papacy? Yep! It’s happened before! Just look at the history of Europe over the last 2000 years! Sadly, it was not a pretty sight to see, especially for those who opposed the papal authority over Europe or the religious dogmas and decrees of that Church. Well, is the world coming to that kind of place again? Is papal power in the ascendancy? You can be the judge for yourself, but as for my conviction, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” And if we are following the news and Bible prophecy then it is not too hard for us to see where all of this is going.

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The Holy Bible vs. the Qur’an – How to treat others?

In this short blog, we will compare and contrast some statements from the Christian Holy Bible and the Islamic Qur’an on the subject of how to treat others who are outside “the faith” or who do not believe the faith. There are many other facts, such as History, development, broad-scope, etc, that might be compared, contrasted, or explained, but this post will not discuss all those items at length. What we want to know is this: “How do these two books teach people to regard and deal with those who are outside of the faith and who do not believe in the same way?” Direct quotes will be shared from both texts, on various points of the basic question at hand. Continue reading

Cleansed by a Bloody Flying Bird!

What a curious thought! What does a bloody flying bird have to do with anything, much less cleansing? Let’s take a look at a three thousand four hundred year old text and find out how a bloody flying bird meant something then and even now for us today! Continue reading

Coming One World Religion (Part 2) – Reversing the Schism?

In Short:

  • The Pope and St. Bartholomew I are embracing a push for “unity” among Roman Catholicism and the Orthodox Church. (an incredible move in view of the 1054 AD Schism between them)
  • Many other so-called “Protestant” leaders are affirming the movement for “unity” with the Roman Church, effectually reversing the Protestant movement begun by Luther and others!
  • This movement compromises Biblical truths and Protestant beliefs.
  • If you oppose this movement you are considered a problem – no joke!
  • This is a major fulfillment of Bible prophecy written thousands of years ago in the book of Revelation and a sign of the end just before Jesus returns!
  • Read more below and see how this will affect you and all the world besides!!

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Wise unto God, Fools to the World

“Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise” (1 Corinthians 3:18).

The Bible asserts that “the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God” (1 Corinthians 3:19). He knows their thoughts, “that they are vain” (v.20). The thinking and prized things of the world are quite different from God’s. Jesus even said “that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God,” simply because that which is so often prized by people of the world is completely the opposite from what God prizes, values, and promotes (See Luke 16:15). Continue reading