Author Archives: Benjamin Burkhardt

About Benjamin Burkhardt

Hey, it's me, Ben! Just wanted to keep you up to date with our ministry news, devotional or scripture thoughts, testimonials, and more, so here's our blog!!

Helping Those In Need

One of the greatest revival chapters in the whole Bible, Isaiah 58, brings to light our duty as followers of God to be His helping hands in the world, to relieve the suffering we see around us, and to care for those of humanity who are in greater need than us! God expects us to lift up our fellow men and to help them out of difficult or tight places. God desires that we should help men and women to a place where they also can become strong helpers of others. Continue reading

Anthony’s Story – Testimony of his Surrender to Jesus

Anthony-baptismWe recently had several baptisms from a series of gospel meetings done through the book of Revelation in April of 2016. Among those fully committed to Christ in baptism at the end of our meetings was a young man named Anthony. Coming from a church family background, he shares his story here below. Continue reading

Fundamentalism and the One World Agenda: An Enemy of the State?

At a Glance

  • The world is moving towards unity. Certain world leaders are pulling to the front, for leadership of this promised utopia (especially the Pope, among others).
  • Standing in the way to a world synthesis of religion is Fundamental beliefs (particulars of faith), and those who adhere to them (especially within Christianity).
  • Pope Francis and other leaders have demonized and condemned Fundamentalist movements and beliefs as being “sickness,” “illness,” dangerous, and violent, in an effort to paint them as a problem for the world to hunt down and eliminate, or to shrug off and avoid. [Major statements and video documentation are listed below – incredible comments with deleterious effects – See for yourself]
  • An appeal for awareness and justice of understanding is made in concluding paragraphs.

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Worshipping the “Sun god” or the Creator God?

Do you want to worship the “Sun god” or the God who made the sun during His 7 day creation week? Whose worship day will we choose?

Keep reading to discover the true worship day of our Creator God – a continual reminder of His goodness and love in both creation and salvation. We’ll also discover briefly the origin of the devil’s counterfeit! See the quotes of history for yourself! By God’s grace we can steer clear of the pitfalls!

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Anne and Joy’s Story!

Meet Anne and Joy, a young couple from Suji (Yongin), South Korea!  Anne and Joy were not born into Christian families. They did not have any religion before meeting Christ. A couple years before they came to study at our English school the two of them began lAnne and Joy's Photoearning of Christ. They attended a church in Seoul and were baptized. However, there were still many questions and doubts in their minds about God’s character and truth. Though Anne had been the first one to suggest attending a church to Joy, her husband, yet her own doubts and struggles became very great–even more than what her husband had originally experienced! Continue reading