Author Archives: Benjamin Burkhardt

About Benjamin Burkhardt

Hey, it's me, Ben! Just wanted to keep you up to date with our ministry news, devotional or scripture thoughts, testimonials, and more, so here's our blog!!

If the Church was a Business

“And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” – Jesus (Luke 2:49).

Jesus was all about His Father’s business or work! He ate, slept, and breathed His father’s work. He was constantly in prayer about it (Matthew 6:10). He came “to seek and to save” the lost and to “give his life a ransom for many” (Luke 19:10; Matthew 20:28). He said that those who followed him would be made into “fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19), and that we should pray for the Father to “send forth laborers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:38; Luke 10:2). Continue reading

Having Vision-empowered Action

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”- Proverbs 29:10

A quick thought here. The Bible says “where there is no vision, the people perish.” As always, the Bible stays true to life!

God gives us wisdom, guidance, and direction from His word. He also inspires us with ideas for the future and what we need to do about it. Unless we have this vision, in a practical sense, then we will be Continue reading

7 Reasons to Attend and Support Evangelistic Meetings

Currently, we are preaching through a Sanctuary Prophecy Seminar with the local church. In America, I’m often reminded about how busy, fragmented, and even disinterested churches, or various members can be – even at such crucial times as when offering an evangelistic series to reach the community with Christ’s all important message for the last days! I’m very thankful for those who do make a special effort to come out to attend, help, and support the meetings. It brings glory to God when we work together for His cause! Continue reading

Gracious Lord Child Care Orphanage (2012-2017 Update)

Gracious Lord ChildrenAnother orphanage in Kenya, run by a very sincere young Kenyan Seventh-day Adventist Christian, and lay-Evangelist named Jeremiah Otemo, is the Gracious Lord Child Care center. This orphanage is located in Kisumu, Kenya. That is on the west side of Kenya along the sea. This orphanage, run by Jeremiah and his wife, in 2012 was a little further along in their development process than Kisii Kids (at the time, though smaller in size). Of course they still have various needs from time to time for different improvement projects. The owner of this orphanage, Jeremiah, is also friends’ with Stevenson K. Maranga, the owner/operator of the Kisii Kids’ Orphanage (in Kisii, Kenya). Continue reading

Kisii Kid’s Orphanage – Kenya (2012 to 2017 Update)

 Ben and Kisii Kids In the spring of 2012 I was able to visit this small orphanage in Kisii, Kenya. It began in the spring of 2010 as some sincere gospel workers in the area began to discover the seriousness of the need to care for these children in their local area. The leader of this orphanage is a very sincere Seventh-day Adventist Christian who began by taking locally orphaned and needy children into his own home. Just a little over two years from their humble beginning they grew to have 45 kids to care for there. Ages ranging from around 5-18 years old. Continue reading