How did unique animals migrate to other continents after the flood?

People under the persuasion of the Evolutionary model for development of various animal life forms often try to challenge Creationists by the idea that there are unique animals on islands far from the place where Noah’s ark is said to have landed and released it’s animals. Some of these animals cannot be found on other continents. For example, the only place having Kangaroos today is Australia, a large continental island which is separated by large oceans from the continent where Noah’s ark would have landed. So, how did animals get from Noah’s ark to places like Australia? Let’s consider a few points. Continue reading

Do the Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal the Rapture?

In 2005 a well-known Christian ministry, Jack van Impe ministries, produced a video to support the rapture theory, and also made it as an online message “for those left behind after the rapture” to take hold of and to find their way (such videos online have been multiplying). In the video a quote was shared to trace back the history of the rapture belief even to the early time of when the Dead Sea Scrolls were buried (predating and going into the 1st Century AD). In this short article, we want to explore that claim. Continue reading

Corrie Ten Boom – Christian Holocaust Survivor – A Rapturous Warning

Corrie Ten Boom, a Dutch Christian, was a woman who went through the Holocaust of Nazi Germany in the 1940s. Her father, family, and her were helping Jews to escape during that time and were caught by Nazi authorities and imprisoned. She survived! While there she encouraged many others by faith in God though also witnessing the death of many! In the after years of her life she spent much time to help and encourage fellow Christians, as well as to help prepare them for further trials that we, as God’s faithful, must witness along the way before we all reach the gates of Heaven! Continue reading

One Text, One Paragraph, Problems for the Rapture. Really?

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3. “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, (2) That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. (3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” (Emphasis added).
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The Rapture – Are Christians likely to vanish at any moment?

It is widely taught today among Christians that there is a coming “Rapture” in which sincere Christians – “the church” – are destined to simply disappear without a moment’s notice! They’ll simply be gathered up to Jesus in the twinkling of an eye and disappear! It could even happen one second from now or while you’re reading this. Is this, however, really what the Bible teaches? Continue reading