Some Ministry Updates (Nov. 25, 2012)

Hope you’ve been blessed as you’ve had the chance to study the Bible with many resources from Clear Call Ministries! We’ve just updated a few things on our page! As you may’ve noticed, we’ve recently updated the face of our sound resources page! It was in need of some changes!

In Bible Class these days we are continuing on with our series through the book of Daniel! It has been a blessing so far! Hope you’ll take a listen!

Also, we’re slowing (week by week) working on an audio series on Christian living! All the PDF not files for it are already posted along with a couple of the audio files which have been completed!

Additionally, we’ve completed several other topical lessons which will be posted soon to our “sermons and lessons by topic” section soon! We’ll let you know when they’re up!

May the Lord Bless you as you seek to know Him more!

@Clear Call Ministries

[originally posted in our old CCM Blog, Nov. 25, 2012]

Audio Updates (10-3-2012)

Hello everyone and blessings from the Lord! Just wanted to give you an update! Many new Bible lessons have just been added to our site! You will see the new links in our Navigation Menu on the left side of the Audio materials page.

Many of our New Testament Letters files have been fixed and updated. All the files should be there and working now! Philippians files, Collosians files, Titus, Philemon, Jude, etc.! Hope you’ll go check them out and as always, may God bless you richly as you study His words!


[originally posted from our old CCM Blog, Oct. 3, 2012]

Updated Materials (9-18-2012)

Hey everyone! Just wanted to update you on a few new features to our site! Recently I’ve just added a new video to our videos section! It’s regarding the power of God’s word to transform, revive, and fill our lives with His joyful presence! Take a watch! Don’t miss out on God’s true blessings for your life. His word is always a blessing!

Also, we are currently working on a series through the book of Colossians. It will be posted to our site soon! Keep checking back for it.

Our sound files are slowly being transferred to their own new pages. Many of them are still on the same page just below the navigation menu. The plan however is to move them gradually over to the new table format which will be more convenient in the long run. You will notice that some series have already been moved to our new table format. I hope that you like it and are always blessed by God’s word and good study materials.

Hope you all have a blessed day in Christ!


[originally posted on our old CCM blog, Sept. 18, 2012]

Ministry Update- Clear Call Ministries (Aug. 20, 2012)

Hey Everyone! What a blessed day in the Lord! Here’s just a word of two of update for Clear Call Ministries. Today was the last day of Bible classes for Term 4, 2012 with the SDA mission centers in S. Korea. It was a blessing! Today in class we just finished up our two part series in Jude on “False Teachers” and the Mark series was also finished during this term. God has blessed so much!! Those materials are now posted and made available on our ministry website.

Now it’s time to gear up for next term! In Bible class for next term we’re planning to cover more materials in the New Testament Letters series. Those will be made available to our website as they become available. Our next class session will begin in just about two weeks! Keep checking back for more updated materials–perfect for personal studies, or even for printing lesson notes to share and give studies to others!

May God Bless you and Keep you in all things, guiding you in the pathway of His perfect will! He’s coming again soon! Be Faithful, share Him, and Be blessed in Him!

[originally posted on old CCM blog, Aug. 20, 2012]

Church and Sabbath Visitors from Rwanda

So today was a blessed day, as always on a Sabbath day! The sermon was about being real and deep with God, unloading our burdens and our hearts to Him! To be deep we need to open our hearts and not merely have some kind of surface level connection or actions that don’t really mean anything valuable. We must have a heart that is truly and intimately connected with God! It was a great message! Also, we had two visitors come to us today from Rwanda! James and Gervais. Actually, they’ve been here in Korea for several weeks attending a training program at Yonsei University. Next week will be their last in Korea. Anyway, today they came to visit our church, and we had a blessed time sharing together at our church fellowship meal! May the Lord bless them on their journeys! (you can see all the photos from today below, and the captions). Blessings in Christ!

[Originally posted on our old ministry blog, Aug. 11, 2012]