Having more Clout with the Almighty! How to get answers!! (1-30-2012)

“Then said the LORD unto me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind could not be toward this people: cast them out of my sight, and let them go forth” (Jeremiah 15:1).

Clearly, God was angry with his people in the days of Jeremiah. They had crossed the line of NO return! There was no remedy, except to cast them out to the enemy. They had to receive the harsh curses of God to wake up and realize their own wickedness! For generation upon generation they had been living in wickedness and the voice of God’s true prophets and His word (the Law) had been nothing to them. Their ears would not listen, nor obey. Now God himself was not going to listen to them!

Moses and Samuel were some of the most earnest pleaders and petitioners of God’s throne. They were righteous men and the Lord listened to their pleadings! (For example, see Exodus 32:31-31; Numbers 14:15-21). Another who we know had such clout with God as a petitioner of the heavenly throne of mercy was Abraham, the friend of God (See Genesis18:17-33). Abraham questioned with God for the lives of those in Sodom and Gomorrah–to spare the city for the sake of the righteous. God answered him fairly according to his questions and demonstrated His great mercies.

There was also Job, whom God boasted of proudly as a heavenly Father, saying, “Have you beheld my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth…?” (Job 1:8). We have also Daniel of whom the heavenly angel spoke of as “…a man greatly beloved” of God (Daniel 10:11). We can find a number of others who were quite faithful and beloved of God. The Scriptures go on, “Jacob, I have loved…” (Romans 9:13), etc.

What is it with these men to whom God and the inspired record of the Scripture give such favor and applause? Why did they have such clout with God? Such favor? Was God just arbitrarily playing favorites? No, of course not! God doesn’t ever do that! (Acts 10:34). What then? Simply this. These men obeyed God’s word diligently and faithfully while seeking Him earnestly! That’s it!!! That’s the secret! How can we have more clout with God? How can we have favor and strength from God? Obey Him faithfully and seek Him earnestly!

Simply look at a few of the many texts in the Bible on this subject and you’ll be quickly convinced, that IS the truth!

The Lord “…is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). “…pray to your Father who sees in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly” (Matthew 6:6). “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16). “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight” (Proverbs 15:8). “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination” (Proverbs 28:9).

God’s faithful servants have His abundant blessings surrounding them!! They are excellent pleaders and petitioners before His throne! God answers their prayers! God does not answer the prayers of the wicked who will not listen to Him (although these very ones are aware of what the truth is). Sadly, in Jeremiah’s day, the professed people of God had become so wicked, that God said, essentially, “Even though one of My righteous servants like Moses or Samuel pleaded for them, I would still not answer to save these people from calamity.” How sad. The professed worshipers of God had lost all of God’s favor and had gained His certain wrath!! Let us not be among that number! Rather, let us obey God faithfully while seeking Him diligently. Let us be among the number who have power and clout to plead with God, and prevail, reaping the blessings of His Majesty’s favor. Amen?

[originally posted Jan. 30, 2013 on our old CCM blog]

Life Changing Encounters with God (12-10-2012)

“Hitherto is the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart” (Daniel 7:28).

As we study something as profound as the prophecies of Daniel we might be very quick to pass over some of the details such as this one. We generally spend a lot of time in studying the text of the prophecy itself! And of course, that is all right and good. We ought to be diligent in studying that message from God. But, let us not be so quick to easily forget that the Holy Spirit saw fit through Daniel to reveal the feelings of Daniel in relation to this vision as well.

There was something so incredible about receiving this vision from God that Daniel was left feeling “troubled” by his thoughts on the matter. His “countenance” was changed in him. But still, he kept the matter in his heart–to ponder it over and to not just reveal it to everyone as of yet. The prophet needed some time to reflect on what was just shown to him.

Previously, Daniel had received night visions and dreams from God, such as with those found in Daniel 2 and 4. However, this particular vision was quite troubling for Daniel! Something about this vision really struck the heart of Daniel and brought some troubles and concerns to his mind. This vision, perhaps even more than the previous ones, was a life changing experience for Daniel! He was troubled by it and his countenance–the face of his heart was changed within him (though he tried to hide the matter in his heart for a while). Something about Daniel’s outlook on life was now changed forever after experiencing this particular vision. It had quite a deep and important message to be shared with all the world, and Daniel knew that it carried with it a very great significance!

There are some lessons that we can take away from this and apply to our own life. First of all, have you experienced some truly life-changing encounters with God? Daniel had known God for his whole young life–this vision however changed something about his outlook and worldview for the future. You and I can also experience some deeper encounters with God as we seek Him–ones that will change our lives forever (Jeremiah 29:12-14). Secondly, if we rightly understand these prophecies in the Bible, then they should have a really solemn effect upon our lives and should change the kind of person that we are into one who is more sincere for God, and who is living more appropriately for the times in which we find ourselves (even as with Noah, see Hebrews 11:7). May God bless and guide you as you seek Him more earnestly! May your life be changed forever by the power of Jesus Christ and may your soul’s experience in God be greatly deepened by an earnest pursuit of Him! He wants to be found…so go for it!

[originally posted Dec. 10, 2012 on our old CCM blog]

Kisii Kids’ Orphanage Praise Report! (11-14-2012)

Hey, this is just an update on our last report for Kisii Kids Orphanage in Kenya! Thanks to the combined efforts of Clear Call Ministries and some of our supporters we were able to assist the orphanage with coming out of a rough spot! Their power is now turned back on (after almost 1 month of being in the dark), some bills were paid, and some needed food was provided for the children! Praise be to God for His goodness! Kisii Kid’s Orphanage sends their warm thank yous to those who kindly gave to help them! May the Lord bless you all! Continue reading

Kisii Kids’ Orphanage, Kenya – Update! (11-3-2012)

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share a few items on the Kisii Kids Orphanage in Kenya. It is operated by Stevenson K. Maranga and his wife Damaris, a wonderfully loving and godly Seventh-day Adventist Christian family in Kisii, Kenya. If you’d like to know more about their story, and my experience visiting there for three weeks back in March of this year (2012), then you are welcome to visit our page ______. Continue reading

What is the Lord’s Day and How should we keep it? (Short version)

lordsdayblogpic“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” (Revelation 1:10).

The prophet John was in the Spirit of God on “the Lord’s Day.” This is actually the only text in the whole New Testament that uses the precise phrase, “the Lord’s Day.” It is the only one! But, what does it mean? Well, obviously, it means that the Lord had or has a special day! It must be a day that is considered above all others! Obviously, it’s “the Lord’s Day.” It’s not just any other day. It’s not just some common day. It’s an important day. It’s a distinguished day.

The next question is, “Which day is the Lord’s Day?” I mean, if the Lord has a very special day, then shouldn’t we know which day it is? We’re going to go directly to the Scriptures, the inspired source that is “…profitable for [every] doctrine…” (2 Timothy 3:15-17), for our answer!

The tradition of calling Sunday “the Lord’s Day” has been a long-standing tradition among many Christians. But where does that idea come from? We don’t have much further to look than the Counsel of Laodicea in A.D. 365. [See the longer version for details]. If any had used the term earlier, it certainly wasn’t found in the Bible. There is no text to be found that ever calls the first day of the week (or Sunday) the Lord’s Day! Search the Bible from cover to cover, but you won’t find it! Is that surprising to you? It’s amazing how the assumptions of men can be so greatly wrong. It’s shocking and you just wonder, “Why didn’t someone tell me already?!” Or, “Why didn’t I know this?” Well, today I’m telling you. But, don’t just take my word for it. You go and check your Bible. Then you’ll know firsthand!

So, what does the Bible say is “the Lord’s Day?” Genesis 2:2-3 say, “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.”

God rested on the “seventh day,” then He blessed it, then He made it holy (setting it apart for a holy use). He rested on it, He blessed it, and He made it Holy! That’s His day! The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:10 say, “…the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God: in it you shall not do any work…”  The seventh day is God’s Sabbath—It’s the Lord’s Day! Isaiah 58:13 says, “…turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on my holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honorable…”  Sabbath is the Lord’s Holy day! We should delight in the Lord on that day and rest from our work. Jesus said that He is “the LORD of the Sabbath” (Matthew 12:8; Mark 2:28; Luke 6:5). The seventh day Sabbath is the Lord’s Holy day—Saturday! Check and see! That’s the only “Lord’s Day” that the apostle John ever would have known or observed as holy.

Let us now consider our life options in light of this truth. We have now a choice to make. Will we follow God’s laws or mans? Will we follow the Bible’s teaching—God’s Holy Word, or the traditions of men from the decrials of their various counsels? This choice is ours today. In the words of Joshua, “…as for me and my house, we will serve [follow] the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). How about you?

[originally posted on our old CCM blog, Dec. 9, 2012]