Category Archives: Health

Is sharing sickness or disease love? (4-14-2013)

To the title question of this article, you might quickly say, “No!” That would seem like a reasonable response. However, believe it or not, there are people and cultures in the world who in practice (and/or belief) would think that sharing sickness and disease was love. After all, some people we really just “love so much!” Perhaps we think, well, if they can suffer it, then I will too. Is that love? The face of your spouse, that cute little child, or significant other; wouldn’t it just be love to share their sickness and feel their ill ease together? Is that right? To some, such an idea would seem like madness! And it is madness, isn’t it? Others would just buy it as “love” and suffer the illness of a loved one. However, despite people’s personal opinions and various cultural ideas, what does God have to say about this in His word? It is love, or insanity and sin? Well, let’s take a look at the Bible, the ultimate source for truth and right thinking! Surely, God has an answer for us! Continue reading